Creating resonance, together

Creating resonance, together ☯


Hi :) My name is Rel.

I am a Death Doula, Jewish Ritual Candlemaker, Ritual Creator, Writer, Collective Grief Worker, and Earth Steward finding & channeling moments of collective resonance for the movement(s) for collective liberation.

All of my offerings are rooted in the work to vision & build Olam Haba, The World to Come, in which all of us are liberated from White Supremacist, Imperialist & Exploitative Capitalism.

I’d love to work with you to build this future.


What is cognitive resonance?

Cognitive resonance is the mind’s embodiment of deep alignment- It’s the feeling or experience of mental, spiritual, and/or physical peace that comes with recognizing that there is harmony in the chaos of our lives.

Cognitive resonance can occur through meditation, movement, prayer, ceremony, RITUAL, laughter, physical touch, sensory deprivation, and healing.

From the place of cognitive resonance, healing, intentional creation, nonviolent communication, and magic-making are possible.

In a world of systemic racism, celebrated exploitation, spiritual malnourishment, monogamous & hetero-normativity, and the societal attempt to run counter to the flow of the cosmos, cognitive resonance is difficult to feel. Its opposite, cognitive dissonance, is more commonly experienced.

Cognitive dissonance is the mind’s response to misalignment. It happens when we recognize the absurdity of existence [under imperialist, white-supremacist, patriarchal capitalism].

Cognitive dissonance leads to anxiety, pain, suffering, disorienting confusion, and violent communication.